Bottle and formula advice
I would be happy to advise you on bottles and formula if breastfeeding is not possible or desired
The promotion of breastfeeding is my top priority. However, there are mothers who cannot breastfeed or who make a conscious decision not to. I would be happy to enlighten you about formula and help you with all your questions about breast milk substitutes and complaints in your children that may be caused by formula. I advise in accordance with the WHO Code and completely independently.
Please note that my consultations can never replace a doctor's visit.
Consultation topics can include:
Which formula is the right one
digestive problems
Selection of the sucker
Correct teat size
Choice of bottle
Correct drinking amount
Do I need follow-on milk?
Paced-bottle-feeding / mindful feeding with a bottle
how long does my child need the bottle
bottle weaning
Frequent spitting up or reflux
bottle at night
and other topics and questions you have
For my consulting approach seehere.